*One Year Anniversary*

After a wonderful day of celebrating our one year anniversary, I'm a bit emotional.  

I'm so thankful for the wonderful people of Lindsborg who have supported our store and given us words of encouragement even before we moved back to Kansas.  I'm thankful for my neighbors and fellow business owners who have been wise, witty and welcoming. Those who are most active in the Lindsborg Round-table have been generous with their time, nurture, affirmation and laughs.  I am so thankful.

People who have come "home" to Lindsborg for yearly visits or have stopped by on their trek across country have been fun and encouraging. Our online customers and facebook friends have given us hope for how Fair Trade can reach beyond our little town.  


The women who have worked or continue to work in the store along with my family are really the ones who are to be celebrated.  Without these dedicated Fair Traders, Dane, our boys, and my extended family, we would have never made it to this day.  Seriously.  My endless thanksgivings to my co-workers and loved ones who 'get' the power of a fair, ongoing market for producers around the world.  

So many good people have helped us open and grow to this first anniversary.  I couldn't be more thankful.  My heart is full.  Thank you all.

I'll be in touch tomorrow with the following winners of the Fair Trade give-aways:

Dog mat – Gaylen Rodgers 
Kisii stone tray – Jan Cambridge-Lewis 
Summer necklace with cherry earrings – Darlene Handlin 
Placemat set from Baskets of Cambodia – Richard Munson 
Woman’s straw hat – Lois Carlson 
Sarong – Tiffany Stout 
Bike chain welcome sign – Joni Parsons 
Portfolio – Tony Martin 
Recycled skirt hat – Kylie Mauch 
String Doll – Mallory Morrison 
Chocolate chips (and homemade cookies) – Stacey Nyquist 
Coffee & coffee mug – Sue Untz
Herb Planter – Cindy Daniels 

Heart dish – Pam Oneal 
Banana napkin rings – Tammy Harrison
Pocket disk – Hannah Megredy 
Three candles – Lori Lankhorst
Oval basket – Lisa Easter
Table runner – Susan Whitfield
Hot Chili Mix – Heather Matter
Bird feeder – Sue Untz
Cloth napkins and lunch box – Karen Nelson
Small flower purse – Sara Anderson
Patchwork purse – Danielle Savage
Purse – Jennifer Desbien
Gourd earrings with barley – Arlis Henry

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