Thank goodness we love fairly traded winter wear around here because this particular year the temperatures have been low and the snow has been high! I thought I knew the weather forecast this week, but apparently I missed the outlook of SNOW that is falling again right now in Lindsborg.
I really love snow, actually. I feel like we are living in a fairy tale snow globe around this sweet town. I enjoy snuggling in at home with our boys and watching the flakes fall against the beautiful church next door to our house. It really is a lovely place to get to live and snow is certainly pretty...
Thank goodness we love fairly traded spring clothes and accessories too because eventually it is going to stop snowing. Some day it will warm up and we will need to pack away our alpaca scarves, hats and glittens. When that day comes, we know we will miss our comfy gear... but we'll be ready with the spring colors!
Just today a big shipment of spring scarves came in and I'm excited to get some of them online. ;) It feels good to see these new, beautiful colors.
Bethany Lutheran Church... from our front porch :)
So far not even half of our new Fair Trade has rolled into Lindsborg for Spring. This means that we are in the sweet spot between appreciation of what has come and anticipation of all that is yet to arrive. How sweet it is, I say!
One of the things that won't come in for another month is our warm weather clothing. This might be a good thing because we would be temped to wear it all if it were here and it is, as I've noted, snowing. Definitely not the weather for a frolic in a summer frock!
Today we will cozy up in our alpaca, unpack beautiful spring scarves and celebrate the fact that there is good Fair Trade for every season!